Refund Policy

  1. You must have your original receipt as proof of purchase.
  2. All returns will be refunded in the manner in which they were purchased.
  3. All items being returned must be in original condition, to be determined by Campus Store Staff. (Wrapped packages must be in original, unbroken wrapping. Unwrapped “New” books cannot be written or highlighted in, have dog-eared pages, no odors, etc.)
  4. Returns will not be taken after 10 Business Days. Please note that online purchases cannot be refunded until the next business day after the order has been packed.
  5. Book Rentals are due back by (this date is usually the last day of final exams. Date will be printed on your receipt. You can also contact the Campus Store at 864.646.1824.
  6. Electronics and lab coats are non refundable.

Rental Policy

The Campus Store offers a small selection of titles each semester that are available for rent. Rental books must be secured with a major credit card but the initial rental price may be paid for with any tender type. If the rental book is not returned to the Campus Store by the rental due date in good, salable condition, then the securing credit card is charged the remaining difference between the rental price and the purchase price thereby completing the sale of the rental book to the student.